The casino will be temporarily closed on Wednesday 26th March from 07:00 to 10:00. We apologize for any inconvenience.  
The casino will be temporarily closed on Wednesday 26th March from 07:00 to 10:00. We apologize for any inconvenience.  

Objectives of this Code

VIAGE PRODUCTIONS S.A./N.V is committed to promoting sustainable development as part of its corporate social responsibility. C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. values the relationships it maintains with its stakeholders. Suppliers and outsourced staffing services are expected to respect and uphold the principles outlined in this code of conduct, committing to human rights, environmental protection, and prioritizing excellence and responsibility. VIAGE PRODUCTIONS S.A./N.V ultimately expects its suppliers and outsourced staffing services to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to their operations for sustainable development.


This Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers, their employees and temporary and leased employees. Suppliers include current and future providers of goods, services, or work contracts, as well as their associated companies (parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates).

It supplements, but does not replace, the existing supplier contracts, the General Terms and Conditions and the relevant purchasing provisions. The Contractor must also impose this Code of Conduct on its upstream suppliers.

General expectations

The general expectations for C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. and it’s Suppliers includes:

  • Mutual respect - compliance with the UN Human Rights Charter
  • Compliance with laws and social norms
  • Responsibility through player protection - responsible gaming
  • Preventing and combating money laundering
  • Ensuring data protection, confidentiality and gaming secrecy
  • Information security
  • Avoidance of conflicts of interest
  • Compliance with fair competition rules (price fixing, cartels, etc.)

The C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. does not tolerate any acts of bribery, corruption, etc., otherwise the contractual relationship may be terminated immediately.

We expect our employees and suppliers to observe these rules of conduct and to integrate them into the daily course of business. 

Specific expectations of C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. from its Suppliers

The following sections highlight the ethical principles and values that C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. seeks to embody and uphold in its daily activities and throughout its supply chain. C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. expects its suppliers to respect these commitments and apply these principles in their commercial activities.

1. Respect for Human Rights

  • Ensure adherence to internationally recognized principles and conventions governing human rights.
  • Abolish all forms of child labor and forced labor. Employ only workers who meet the minimum age requirements specified by local laws. Child labor is permissible only when allowed by law and when children are protected from exploitation, health risks, and interference with their education.
  • Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labor. Employment must be voluntary and freely chosen. Suppliers must not engage in forced labor, human trafficking, or modern slavery in the manufacture of their products or within their supply chain.
  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws regarding pay, benefits, and working hours.
  • Ensure Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  • Ensure that minimum wages are paid and working hours are not excessive.

2. Anti-Discrimination

  • Avoid discrimination, directly or indirectly, based on age, gender, nationality, race, color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, political opinion, language, disability, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations of the operating location.
  • Foster values of respect, inclusion, and diversity in daily activities and recruitment processes.

3. Anti-Harassement

  • Guarantee that everyone is treated with respect, free from any form of moral or physical harassment, offensive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behavior, or any other abuse.
  • Do not tolerate or encourage the creation of a hostile work environment, the isolation of colleagues, or the dissemination of malicious or insulting rumors.

4. Anti-Corruption

  • Exclude all forms of corruption, money laundering, and other illegal activities, including blackmail, fraud, or unethical tips.
  • Offer gifts and hospitality only when permitted by applicable laws or regulations and in compliance with known provisions of relevant codes of conduct. Gifts should not be intended to obtain undue advantage or influence the actions of the recipient.

5. Safety and Health

  • Adhere to prescribed safety rules and instructions appropriate to the workplace.
  • Report any concerns about potential health and safety risks or unsafe working conditions, as well as accidents and work-related incidents promptly.
  • Take responsibility for your own health and safety, as well as that of others.
  • Refrain from undertaking any work or related activity if it is deemed dangerous or harmful to yourself or others, such as working under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

6. Data Protection

  • Always maintain the confidentiality of information received from C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. and do not disclose any confidential information to third parties without authorization. Data may only be used within the limits specified in the contract with C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V.
  • Comply with applicable regulations (e.g., GDPR) regarding the collection and use of personal data of C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V.'s staff members or customers.

7. Environment

  • Adopt resource-conserving working methods, including recycling, waste reduction and the application of the circular economy.
  • Act in accordance with legal and international standards implemented for environmental protection and conservation.
  • Implement systems to prevent and mitigate accidental spills and releases to the environment.
  • Continuously strive to reduce environmental impact, particularly by adopting environmentally friendly technologies and procedures, with a view to promoting sustainable development in the community.
  • When handling chemicals or toxic substances, the contractor undertakes to comply with all legal regulations and to guarantee protection for society, employees and the environment. 
  • The Supplier aims to use renewable energies wherever possible.
  • The supplier undertakes to use energy efficiently in order to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and to demonstrate this through concrete targets and measures.
  • If possible, the Supplier introduce ISO14000 or comparable standards (e.g. EMAS) as management systems in order to improve their environmental performance.

Monitoring and Compliance with the Agreement and Breach

C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V. or an independent third parties may verify compliance with the obligations set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct at any time. This may take the form of audits, self-assessments, supplier meetings or other similar forms of monitoring. The violation of an obligation stipulated in this Code of Conduct may have far-reaching consequences for the partnership between the client and the contractor. In the event of non- compliance, the contract may be terminated with immediate effect.


This Supplier Code of Conduct is based on:

  • C.A.I.B. S.A./N.V.'s Code of Ethics
  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • Various International Labour Organisation conventions
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; UN Global Compact
  • UN Global Compact
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • OECD Guidelines, including the fight against bribery